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What Is It About The Sales Pitch?

In a world of mass-exploitation, over-saturated markets and misused and abused marketing methods, most of us have developed a soar spot when it comes to the sales pitch. Most people do their best to avoid the typical hustler who lacks tact; We figure, if we want something, we’ll just go get it; we don’t need someone pushing something on us!

Why does this irk so many of us? Why do we feel so uncomfortable and on edge in this scenario?

Is There Actually Something Wrong With The Sales Pitch?
First lets differentiate between the entrepreneur who offers genuine value and the hustler slinging the sales pitch:

A good entrepreneur has respect for people and will take an interest in getting to know people to see what their particular needs and desires are. This kind of entrepreneur doesn’t have the kind of mind-set that’s always plotting for ways how to recruit someone or make a sale; rather, they are someone who is coming from a position of real value coupled with respect for people so that the conversation may or may not segway into their product or opportunity.

If they do happen to come to a transaction, then it will be a much more organic process where each party is relaxed and comfortable because no lines are being crossed.

But then we have the hustler who doesn’t bother with getting to know anyone because this kind of person doesn’t really respect anyone. It’s all about, “What can I get, get, get for me, me, me?!“. People like this objectify others and are not concerned whether or not their product is the right fit for someone; Their only concern is making another sale.

So it’s no wonder why most of us are uncomfortable with getting pitched, because we are essentially getting disrespected.

It Doesn’t Hurt To Ask… Or Does It?…

Here’s a scenario I do not have a problem with:

“Would you happen to be interested in XYZ?”

No, I’m really not looking for something- I’ve got plenty of projects going already.”

“Ok, no worries. Would you happen to know anyone who would be?”


“Ok- here’s my card- please give it to anyone who comes to mind- and thanks I appreciate that!”

-Now here’s a scenario I do have a problem with:

“Wouldn’t you like to be making a 6-7 figure income working at home just by the push of a button?”

No thanks, I’ve already got plenty of worthwhile pursuits I need to stay focused on.”

“But this is something you could do effortlessly on the side just a few hours a week!”

“No- it really wouldn’t be wise of me to divert my focus on a whole other project. I know there’s plenty of people out there that do happen to be looking for something though- it’s just not me.”

“Yeah but this is a breakthrough product with a once in a life-time opportunity- blah, blah, blah, blah, blah…”

-At this point I wish I had a can of mace to get this guy out of my face, so I just turn away from him as he’s still jabbering because he’s just not taking ‘no’ for an answer and I value my time too much to be explaining myself again and again to someone who doesn’t even really care about me.

Now I’m a patient and easy-going guy, but I still find myself feeling pretty perturbed by this kind of encounter because at the core of this sales pitch was a lack of respect for me as he utterly dismissed my valid reason why I am not the right candidate for his gig.

You see, a hustler wants to just ‘nail the sale’ in one swift stroke- while a good entrepreneur will take the time to allow a natural process of time for trust and rapport to develop. A good entrepreneur will also devote time to acquire good human relation skills as well as effective marketing strategy so they may do business with those who are actually prime candidates without bugging those who aren’t.

But because there are so many hacks out there, many people have a rather skewed and negative view of those involved in marketing. Funny thing is, is that most people buy things and need people in this world who sell things. So what a good entrepreneur does is find those people who already need or want what they have to offer.

The hustler doesn’t care whether anyone needs or wants it, only to ‘slam-dunk’ another sale.

So when is it considered a sales pitch?
Next time someone offers something to you, ask yourself a few questions:

Is this person really listening to me?

Is this person really understanding and respecting me?

-Has this person demonstrated that they are interested in who I am and what my best interest is?

If the answer is ‘no’ to any of theses questions, then you’re getting nothing but a meaningless sales pitch.

On the other hand, if you can answer ‘yes’ to all of these questions and you believe this person is really helping you with your best interest at heart, then you more than likely have someone genuine and safe to do business with.

As for the entrepreneur, they should ask them self these questions:

Am I really listening to this person?

Am I really understanding and respecting this person?

-Am I demonstrating an interest in who this person is and taking their best interest to heart?

The Marketplace of Life
Well I hope this has been helpful because we are all buyers and sellers in our own way. After all, marketing is a natural process of life as we are all marketing on some level whether we realize it or not. 



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Written by Scott Yonker