Hermeneutics is a fancy term used to define the principles of biblical interpretation. Just like learning a language, there are principles of grammar which need to be understood and properly implemented in order to do so. Thus, biblical interpretation is an art & a science.
The fundamental principle of biblical interpretation is ‘context’. Considering the scriptures within the context of the time, the culture, the language, the circumstances and the text itself – is of the essence. And not only is it important to consider the immediate surrounding text of a certain passage, but also the overall text of the scriptures as a whole – since there is vital continuity throughout sacred scripture.
Employing this principle shows how one passage can shed light upon another passage. This is why it is so important to consider the whole council of God, and being careful not to isolate scriptures pulled out of context to use as “proof-texting”.
We have all seen certain ideas & agendas projected by picking & choosing and pulling scriptures out of context to fit something other than its true meaning. Such practice is not uncommon, and has led to a great diversity of interpretations resulting in much confusion. But God is not the author of confusion, but a God of order, and there are practical principles which are to govern this order.